Anam Cara Parental and Sibling Bereavement Support clg
About Us
Anam Cara supports bereaved parents on the death of a child of any age, through any circumstance. Our main objective is to ensure that every bereaved parent has access to and knowledge of these supports, to assist them on their journey of grief. We fill the gap left by state services, by working with any bereaved parent, and all our services and support are offered free of charge. Our mission is to help grieving families navigate their loss together, fostering resilience and understanding. We aim to raise awareness about the impact of child loss and advocate for improved bereavement support services. Our values of compassion, empathy, and community guide our efforts to ensure no family feels alone in their grief journey.
Founded in 2008 by bereaved parents, Anam Cara is a member of Charities Institute Ireland, and we adhere to the Triple Lock standard having formally adopted the guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising, preparation of financial statements in compliance with Charity SORP and adoption of the Charities Governance Code.