A Day In My Wheels
This October 13th, we are asking people to put their shoulders to the wheel in support of those whose lives have been affected by a spinal cord injury.
Challenge: Spend a day in a wheelchair OR accompany a wheelchair user for the day
Date: Thursday 13th October - Friday 14th October 2022
Format: Breakfast learning session and meet and greet in Cork County Council Foyer at 7.30am on the Thursday, followed by one of two options:
Your typical daily activities but from a wheelchair
Accompany a service user volunteer on their typical day (option dependant on number of volunteers available)
On Friday October 14th you are invited to a drinks reception and debrief in Vertigo on the top floor of the Cork County Council Offices from 5.30pm, where you will have the opportunity to return your chair, watch some footage from the day before and compare notes with us and the others who undertook the challenge. We would really appreciate if you could attend and give your feedback but if you can’t make it, we will arrange to collect the chair and your completed questionnaire from you.
Buy In: €5,000 per person (This can be: fundraised through your contacts, suppliers, colleagues, paid from your company CSR budget, or paid for by yourself personally – whatever suits best). All monies raised in Cork will be ring fenced for projects in Munster.
By taking on this challenge and listening to our service user volunteers, you will get a whole new perspective on how people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) are viewed and treated. You will also gain an insight into the resilience people with a SCI require to navigate an inherently ableist world. It is also a perfect opportunity for you to assess the accessibility of your office space and your own perspective on employing someone with such a disability.
We are asking you to take on this challenge with an open mind and to make a positive impact on your company and on the services that it provides, should it be needed. But not only that, by taking part and donating to Spinal Injuries Ireland, you will also be helping provide a one-to-one support service for people with a spinal cord injury and their families from the moment they are admitted to hospital and for as long as it’s needed.
Please help support people around Ireland with a spinal cord injury by taking part in A Day In My Wheels.
If you would like to receive further information on the day, please contact Sharon on 087 6631133 or sharon@spinalinjuries.ie
By taking on this challenge and listening to our service user volunteers, you will get a whole new perspective on how people with spinal cord injuries are viewed and treated. You will also gain an insight into the resilience required to navigate an inherently ableist world. It is also a perfect opportunity for you to check the accessibility of your office space and your own perspective on employing someone with such a disability.
Essentially, we are looking for decision makers who aren’t afraid of affecting change. We are asking you to take on this challenge with an open mind and to make a positive impact on your company and on the services that it provides, should it be needed. But not only that, by taking part and donating to Spinal Injuries Ireland, you will also be helping provide a one-to-one support service for people with a spinal cord injury and their families from the moment they are admitted to hospital and for as long as it’s needed.
Please help support people around Ireland with a spinal cord injury by taking part in A Day in My Wheels.
If you would like to receive further information on the day, please contact Phil on 0873821182 (phil@spinalinjuries.ie) or register on https://spinalinjuries.ie/wheels/

Date and Time
Thursday Oct 13, 2022 Friday Oct 14, 2022
Thursday 13th - Breakfast learning session and meet and greet in Cork County Council Foyer at 7.30
Friday 14th - Drinks in Vertigo, top floor of Cork County Council Offices at 17.30
€5,000 per participant
Contact Information
Phil O'Kelly 0873821182
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