Business Owners Webinar - How To Reduce The Tax You, Your Company & Your Staff Pay Before Year End
Hi all,
This webinar is for Business Owners, Directors, and Senior Managers.
It is a must listen to :
(i) Help you create personal wealth and get the most from the company and build reserves and ensure tax efficiencies
(ii) reduce the tax you and the company pays this year.
(iii) Ensure you know what you can give employees as incentives in a low cost tax efficient manner for retention and hiring.
(iv) Ensure your company is paying for all of your protection and is set up in the most tax efficient manner
(v) Monies on deposit are working as hard as they should be
(vi) Know what your options are when planning 10 years plus to pass on the business and how to get up to €1.5 Million tax free ?
There are two different time slots available so please message us which slot suits you best.
You can register via the following link
Date and Time
Thursday Dec 1, 2022
7:30 PM - 8:00 PM GMT
Thursday, December 1st - 7:30pm or 1:00pm (Let us know your preferred time slot)
Contact Information
Keenan Cunningham
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