HR Leadership Forum
Cork Chamber is proud to host this event in collaboration with our Strategic HR Partners, Adare, who are the leading experts in Employment Law, Industrial Relations and best practice Human Resource Management.
This HR Leadership Forum is suitable for Senior HR Practitioners and HR Directors who are tasked with leading out on HR Strategy within their organisations, exploring emerging HR and sectoral trends and identifying strategic HR challenges within their organisation.
The foundation of the HR Leadership Forum is to create the space, time and environment to support the thinking, reflection, sharing of ideas, best practices, and planning for the future of Strategic HR.
Topics covered in these sessions include:
- Insights from Adare
- Presentation from industry expert
- Employment Law Updates
- Open Discussion /Q&A
We want to facilitate open and honest conversations in a trusted environment. Therefore, Chatham House Rule applies to this HR Leadership Forum.
This event is invite only and exclusive to our Chamber Partners and Collaborate membership categories.