Land of Warm Waters
The plant revolution is near! Chlorophyll has gone on the offensive and is attacking corruption. Welcome to the unique and enchanted world of the Buharov brothers. Phantoscope, Triskel’s quarterly experimental film event, is delighted to present the Irish premiere of a sci-fi vision unlike any other. It conjures a world that dreams itself from activism against the established order, and unfolds with much humour and fantasy into a teeming story that touches on very contemporary political issues. Shot in vibrant Super 8, this eco-futuristic fable, where mentalist, priest, shaman, and spy joyfully rub shoulders while spreading their bio-energy, boasts a host of colourful characters.

Date and Time
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM GMT
Triskel Arts Centre
Tobin Street, Cork City