Renewables in Ireland Conference 2022
There is no one solution to our global energy crisis.
There is no single miracle technology that will fully replace coal and oil and gas and peat.
The wind, we are reminded, does not always blow. The sun, we are informed, does not always shine.
At the Renewables in Ireland Conference on 9 November in the Clayton Silver Springs, Cork, Ireland’s renewable energy industry will come together to plan Ireland’s energy future.
The fossil-fuel era will be ended by a collection of mutually-supporting renewable energy sources and zero-carbon technologies, working together, to heat our homes, fuel our public transport network and to power our businesses.
Our future is an energy-independent Ireland, a leader in the fight against climate change, with a thriving green economy.
Clean, secure, affordable energy for Ireland.
Our Renewable Future.

Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 9, 2022